Sunday 22 December 2013

Best Day Ever!

How many times can you say these words and sound genuine?  Likely not often.  But the three of us; me, my husband and good friend who ski together regularly do say them often.

Last weekend we went Nordic skiing up at the Star.  Although we use the same skis, Nordic skiing here is similar but not the same as what we used to call cross country skiing.  I was never very enthusiastic about  cross country skiing in Alberta.  My memories are of hard drifted snow or ice or scant snow and cold.  Yes there were some good days with good snow and decent winter temperatures but that was the exception, not the rule.  We would shuffle over mostly flat terrain, sometimes well groomed but often rutted.

This is our third ski season and I can count on two fingers the days that were less than pleasant, one day was extremely foggy and another day was quite icy.  Many times we have left the snow-less valley , often driving up through clouds to discover blue skies and fresh snow.  Last Friday was one of those days.
The spruce and larch were coated in white; the trails were empty.

Although Silver Star and Sovereign Lake both groom regularly and meticulously, snow had fallen on the TJ's Corkscrew since the last grooming.  We made fresh tracks and glided down the hills feeling like we were floating.

 It was the Best Day Ever!